

Age: Verb-to lift(up)

Age Uchi: to strike upwards

Aruki: Verb-aruku (to walk)

Asagasumi: the chin

Ashi, Soku: leg, foot

Ashi Barai: sweeping of (or with) the leg

Atama: the head



Barai-Harai: to sweep

Biken: Sword, secret weapons (Bi=hidden or secret)

Bo: long staff (six Shaku, 6 feet)

Bo Shuriken: Thrown weapon, Dirk, Knife

Boshi Ken: Thumb fist

Budo: Way of War (way of maintaining peace) Middle of the calf (Kyusho)

Budo Taijutsu: Unarmed and armed fighting techniques. Name Given to our discipline from1995 to 2010.

Bujin: Warrior, God of War

Bujinkan: Home of the God of War, Chinese nickname of Takamatsu Sensei. (Wu Sen)

Butsumetsu: Kyusho, side of torso, floating ribs



Chigyo: 11th dan

Chi No Kata: Earth form

Chi Ryaku No Maki: Scroll, Principles of Earth (Kicks, Throws, Controls)

Chigoko-Jigoku: Hell

Chigoku Otoshi: Throw or drop into Hell

Chudan: mid-level, middle, 2nd level

Chudan Uke: Middle block, counter at mid-level

Chuden: 2nd level

Chuden no Kata: 2nd level techniques

Churyaku: 2nd level principle



Dai Gogyo: the five Chinese elements (earth, water, wood, metal, fire)

Daijodan: Sword- sword posture with the blade over the head

Daikomyosai: End of the year celebration. Bujinkan New year, Beginning of new theme for the year.

Daisho: the two swords

Daisho Sabaki Gata: Fighting techniques with two swords

Daken Taijutsu: Striking techniques

Dan: level or grade

Densho: Scroll of paper on which the techniques of a school are written down

Dewa Mata: see you later

Do: Stomach, abdomen, sides, way or path

Do Itashi Mashite: 1) Please, 2) Be my guest

Do Jime: Strangulation, pressure on Do

Do Uchi: Hit to Do

Dojo: training hall

Doko Desu Ka: Where is (are)…?

Dokko: Kyusho point on the lower jawbone

Dokko no Kamae: posture with the fist on the side of the head, angry tiger posture

Domo Arigato: Thank You

Domo Arigato Gozaimashita: Thank a lot

Dori – Tori: Verb: Toru- take, grasp

Dozo: Please



En: Yen, Currency

Eki: Train Station

Erebeta: elevator



Fu: Air, Wind, see kaze

Fugyo: 14th dan

Fu Iri: Place a weapon between ukes arm and body locking elbow and throwing down or away

Fu no Kata: Wind form

Fudo Ken: Stable fist strike

Fudoza no Kamae: Cross-legged posture, one leg under the bottom

Fukiya: Blowpipe



Gaeshi – Kaeshi: Counter

Gakusei: student

Gaman: to endure

Gankotsu: Chin

Ganmen: the face

Ganseki Nage: Throw a big rock, technique of the Kihon Happo

Garami: maintain, curled up

Gata – Kata: form, shoulder, number/figure 1

Gatame – Katame: to control, maintain

Gedan: low level

Gedan no Kamae: Weapon, stance, weapon pointing down

Gedan Uke: low block, counter in a low position

Geiko – Keiko: Training, exercise

Geri – Keri: Kick

Geri Gaeshi: To counter a (with a) kick

Geri Kudaki: To break a kick (with a) kick

Geryaku: 3rd level principles

Gi: real name of the Kimono (traditional suit)

Gikan Ryu Koppojutsu:Truth Loyalty and Justice School. one of the nine schools that comprise the Bujinkan fighting sytems

Giri – Kiri: Verb, Kiru: cut

Go-Ho no Kata: sequencing of the five forms, directions

Godan: 5th dan, Shidoshi

Gogo: Afternoon, p.m.

Gogyo: The five Japanese elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Void or emptiness. Chi, Sui, Ka, Fu, Ku

Goja Dori: = Musha Dori, outdo a stronger person

Gokuraku: Heaven

Gokuraku Otoshi: to bring to Heaven

Gokuro Sama Deshita: Thank You (said by the teacher at the end of the class)

Gokyu: 5th kyu

Gomen Nasai: excuse me, beg your pardon, I am sorry

Gorin: Vital points around the belly button, the 5 elements

Gorin Kudaki: to break the five elements

Goshi – Koshi: Hip

Goshitan Ken: To hit with the five fingers together using the tips of the fingers.

Gozen: Morning, a.m.

Guchi – Kuchi: Mouth

Gusari – Kusari: chain

Gyaku: 1) twisting, 2) opposite, 3) reversed

Gyaku Jime: Crossed strangulation, thumbs outside

Gyaku Nage: reverse throw

Gyaku Otoshi: to throw down in reverse

Gyokko Ryu Koshijutsu: Jeweled Tiger school. One of the nine schools comprising the Bujinkan Fighting sytems

Gyokushin Ryu Ninjutsu: One of the little-known schools of the nine in the Bujinkan fighting systems



Habaki: Shoe, clamp of the blade for waterproofing

Hachidan: 8th dan

Hachikyu: 8th kyu

Hachimaki: Scarf, headband

Hai: yes

Hachimonji no Kamae: Ichimonji like posture, back arm vertically folded behind the head, fingers stretched out, Togakure Ryu posture

Haibu Yori: grab from behind

Hajime: start

Hajimemashite: Pleased to meet you

Hajutsu Kyu Ho: The nine escaping forms

Han: Half

Hanbo: 3ft, 90 cm stick (Han: half=half bo)Hane Goshi Nage: Hip throw, lifting ukes hip

Hanza: Posture with a knee to the ground

Happa hen; strike with the palm

Happo: Eight directions (hachi+ho)Happo Biken: Sword: the eight basic forms

Happo Ken: strike with the wheel of the hand

Happo Keri: Kicks in all directions

Harai Goshi: hip throw colliding

Haru: Spring

Hasso no Kamae: stance with the sword vertically held along the face

Heito no Kamae: Bo: stance with the bo vertically held behind the back

Heuto: superior level, 4th level

Henka: variation

Hi: Fire element

Hiken Ju Roppo: the 16 natural weapons (Hi=hidden, Ju+Roku Ho, roppo= 10+6

Hicho no Kamae: Ichimonji posture with one leg lifted, Leaping bird posture

Hidari: left

Hiji: elbow

Hijizume: Tip of the elbow joint

Hiken – Biken Jutsu: sword techniques, Mostly from Kukishinden Ryu

Hira Ichimonji no Kamae: Hichimonji no Kamae posture with horizontal arms and one leg lifted

Hira: Large, Big, Flat posture

Hira no Kamae: Natural Posture, other name for shizen no Kamae

Hiza: knee

Ho Ko Jutsu: Hotizontal walks and races

Hodoki: Untie, Unpack, Evading

Hoko no Kamae: stance with arms in front of the face forming a trident, encircling, bear posture

Hon: fundamental, root, basic

Hon Gyaku: first twist of the wrist

Hon Jime: strangulation with the thumbs to the inside arms crossed

Hoshi: articulation, 1) armpit. 2) elbow

Hosshu Kihon Kata Go-Ho ou

Hosshu Kihon no Kata: Omote Gyaku, Omote Henka< Ura Gyaku, Musha Dori, Moso Dori ( Ganseki Nage) The five twisting forms

Hyaku: 100, hundred

Hyo Jo Ho Ko: races and walks on slippery ground



Iai: To draw the sword

Ichi: figure 1 (horizontal line in Japanese)

Ichimonji: Basic posture with horizontal front arm, in a number one shape

Iie: No

Ikimasho: Lets go (said by the teacher after the first bow)

Ikkyu: first kyu

Ikaru: price

Ikaru Desu Ka: How much does it cost?

Inazuma: Points on the sides of the belly button (spleen and liver)

Itai: Pain, this hurts, I am in pain

Itami Jime: Strangulation, pressure with pain

Itami Nage: to throw with pain



Jakkin: Vital points located on the biceps

Jidai: ancient times, past

Jigen: Dimension, space and time

Jigoku: Hell

Jime Shime: Pressure, to press, strangle

Jin: Man, Mankind, Diety (the two kanji are different)

Jin Ryaku No Maki: Principles of Mankind (fusion between Heaven and Earth principles)

Jinchu: point located at the root of the nose

Jodan: First level, basic level, high, superficial, High level

Jodan Kiri: Sword- cut coming from above

Jodan Uke: High block, counter at upper level

Joryaku: basic principles

Judan: 10th dan

Jugodan: 15th dan

Juji: Number 10 (drawn as a cross in Japanese)

Juji Dori: Cross grab

Jujiro: salt cellar

Jumonji no Kamae: stance arms crossed on the chest (number 10 shape)

Juppo Sessho: To negotiate in all directions

Jutaijutsu: Group of soft, flowing techniques with the body

Jutsu: 1) war skill 2) art



Ka: Fire (see Hi)

Kagyo: 13th dan

Ka no Kata: Fire form

Kaeshi – Gaeshi: To counter

Kage: Shadow

Kagete: hand in the shadow

Kage no Itto: Sword; way of horizontally drawing the sword in the back

Kagi: Hook,to hook, ton wind around, key

Kaiten (Kaeru): to dive, type of roll

Kakato: heel

Kakato Geri: tp kick with the heel

Kake – Gake: 1) fasten 2) to break 3) to run 4) the precipice

Kaku: Point on the knee

Kakushi: hidden, invisible, that cannot be seen

Kakushi Geri: hidden, invisible kick

Kamae: mental and physical stance, posture, attitude

Kappi: Ura Shuto while jumping backwards

Kasumi: 1) fog 2) temple 

Kasumi no Kamae: Sword; Jumonji posture, sword is held horizontal in front of the body

Kasumi Uchi: Bo; strike to the temple

Kata – Gata: 1) one(figure), 2) form 3) shoulder

Kata Maki: Shoulder winding

Katame – Gatame: Control, to immobilize< to maintain

Katamune Dori: One handed grab to the chest

Katana: Japanese sword

Katate: one handed

Katate Buri: Eight shape twirl with a weapon, one handed

Katate Nage: to throw with one hand

Katsu Gatame:

control or immobilize using the kyusho or pain

Kaze:wind, cold (med)

Keiko – Geiko: training, exercise

Keikogi: training Gi (not kimono, cf. Gi)

Ken: 1) weapon 2) strike 3) sword

Ken Kudaki: (Hajutsu Kyu Ho) break a (with a) punch

Ken Tai Ichi Jo: simultaneous strike, 1) body+mind 2) body+weapon

Kenpo: ancient name of karate, way of the weapons or the fists

Keri – Geri: Kick

Keri Kaeshi: counter, block a (with a) kick

Keri Kudaki: Break a (with a) kick

Keri Sukui: Scooping kick

Kesa: lapel

Kesa Giri: to cut diagonally along the lapel

Kiai: Ki (energy) + ai (union) = scream to get the energy out

Kihon: Basic form, sequence, technique

Kihon Happo: the 8 basic forms (goho no kata + sanpo no kata)

Kikaku Ken: to strike with the head (forehead) demon horns

Kimon: chest

Kin: Gold (metal)

KinTeki: Golden bells, testicles

Kiri – Giri: cut

Kiri no Hito Ha: Pawlawnia leaf

Kiritsu: stand, stand up

Kissaki: tip of the sword blade

Kiten Ken: Striking with the hands edge (=shuto)

Ko: small

Ko Goroshi: to crush the little finger (hajutsu kyu ho)

Kodachi: (Ko + Tachi) small sword (30 to 50 cm)

Kodomo: child

Koe: Groin

Koho, Ushiro: behind, back

Kojiri: end of the saya (scabbard)

Kokotsu: Tibia

Koku: space, empty

Konbanwa: Good evening

Kongo Ken: Fist strike (other name for Fudo Ken)

Konnichiwa: hello (during the day)

Konpi: Omote Shuto while jumping backwards

Koppo: art of breaking the bones. The backbone

Koppo Ken: strike with the thumb joint (hand in shikan ken shape)


Techniques to break the bones/ system mixing the soft and hard forms with the kyojitsu

Koki: point on the top of the feet (see Toki) Jo Jutsu

Kosei: point on the testicles

Kosei no Kamae: double block posture, at the level of the forehead and stomach

Koshi – Goshi: the hip

Koshi Kudaki: to break the hip

Koshi Nage: hip throw

Koshi Ori: to break the hip

Kosshi Jutsu: striking techniques on the painful points, or the muscle points of attachment

Koshi Kihon Sanpo no Kata or Kyoshi Kihon no Kata: 1) part of the kihon happo from the basic stances ( ichimonji, jumonji, hicho no kamae)

Kote: wrist

Koto Ryu Koppojutsu: Tiger knocking down school, one of the nine schools of the Bujinkan fighting systems.

Ku: emptiness, void, space

Kugyo: 15th dan

Ku no Kata: emptiness form

Kubi: neck

Kuchi – Guchi: Mouth

Kudaki: break

Kudasai: please (in a sentence)

Kuden: direct teaching from the teacher to the student, 2nd level of understanding

Kukishinden Ryu Happo Hikenjutsu: Nine demons' school, one of the nine schools of the Bujinkan fighting system

Kukyu: 9th kyu

Kuma: bear

Kumi Uchi: two handed grab (judo like)

Kumo: cloud

Kumogakure Ryu Ninpo: Hiding in the clouds school: one of the nine bujinkan fighting systems

Kunai: multiple purpose blunt knife

Kuri Gaeshi: to bring a weapon behind the back and let it out over the shoulder, Kage no Itto

Kurigata: Bridge, chevelat for the way of the Sageo on the Saya

Kuro: black

Kurobushi: point on the ankle (see Ryuge) Jo Jutsu

Kuruma – Guruma: 1) wheel 2) car

Kusari – Gusari: chain

Kusari Fundo: chain with weights

Kusarigama: Scythe with a ballasted chain

Kyahan: gaiter, leg wrap worn to keep pants legs together

Kyo: lie, fient

Kyojitsu: to feint, to pretend, make believe that

Kyojitsu Tenkan Ho: to alternate truth and lies (physically and psychologically)

Kyoketsu Shoge: 2 bladed knives, one is curved one is straight + 1 chain or rope typically made of womens hair attached to a metal ring. Can be translated as to run through the mountains unhindered cutting down your enemies.

Kyu: 1) figure 9, 2) degree, level

Kyudan: 9th dan

Kyusho: vital point



Maai: Distance

Mae, Zenpo: before, In front

Maki: scroll, roll, to wrap; parchment

Makura: pillow

Man: ten thousand, 10,000

Manriki Gusari: chain having the power of 10,000 men

Matsu: Pine tree (Taka-Matsu)

Mawari Dori: capture while turning

Men: face

Menbu: forehead

Menkyo: 1) authorization, 2) license, 3) degree

Metsubushi: 1) blinding powder ( Togakure Ryu) 2) by an extent, to hide the sight of the opponent

Migi: right (direction)

Mimi: ear

Mizu: water on the ground

Mizu Tori: water bird

Mo Ichido Onegai Shimasu: Once more, please

Mokuso: concentration, meditation

Mokuso Yame: stop concentrating

Moguri Kata: to go down on the legs or go under

Mukozune: point underneath the knee (see Kaku) Jo Jutsu

Mu On Ho: silent walks and races

Mu To Dori: unarmed defense against armed attacks

Mukyu: beginner, no rank

Mune: chest

Munen Muso no Kamae: hanbo posture without idea, intention

Murasame: point on Adams apple

Musha Dori: twisting technique, grab the warrior

Muso Dori: Twisting technique, grab without intention

Mute: without the hands (Mu=without, indicate the lack)



Nagare: 1) fluidity 2) go to the ground 3) point on the forearm, radial nerve

Nage: to throw

Nage Kaeshi: counter throw

Naginata: long spear made of a bo and a sword blade

Nanadan: 7th dan

Nanakyu: 7th kyu

Naname: diagonal

Natsu: summer

Ni: number two (2 horizontal strokes superimposed)

Nidan: 2nd dan

Nikyu: 2nd kyu

Ni Jigen no Sekai: bi-dimensional world

Ninjoka: human being, friendly



O: grand, large, big, wide

O Genki Desuka: How are you?

O Gyaku: Wide twisting (arm, shoulder)

O Hayo Gozaimasu: Good Morning>

O Soto Gake, Gari: wide outer leg sweep

O Soto Nage: Wide outer throw

Obi: belt

Okuden: superior level, 5th level

Okuden no Kata: Superior level techniques

O Kuni Wa: What country are you from?

Omote: 1) outside, 2) in front of, 3) over

O Namae Wa: Whats you name?

Onegai Shimasu: Please

Oni: Demon

Oni Kudaki: twisting technique, break the Demons horns, Demon crusher

Ori: Verb Oru; to break

Osae Komi: control, immobilize

Osaeru: to hold, to retain

Oshu: strike with the palm of the open hand

Otonashi no Kamae: posture with hanbo horizontal in the back

Otosu, Otoshi: to push in, to drop

Oya Goroshi: to squash the thumb (Hajatsu Kyu Ho) killing the king

Oyasumi Nasai: Good night



Rakka: fallin pedal

Rei, Reiho: Bow, Bowing

Rin: navel

Rokkyu: 6th kyu

Rokudan: 6th dan

Ryaku: principle

Ryokan: Hotel, Inn

Ryomune Dori: double chest grab (lapel)

Ryote: with two hands

Ryote Nage: two handed throws

Ryu: 1) system, 2) dragon, 3) school

Ryu Sui Iki: Sutemi techniques (use of the unbalance)

Ryumon: point located over the Kimon



Sabaki: solve, action

Sabaki Gata: side stepping and dodging techniques

Sageo: rope tied to the Saya (scabbard)

Sai: point located on the middle of the thigh (in or our)

Samui: cold, freshness

Sandan: 3rd dan

San Jigen no Sekai: tri dimensional world

Sankaku: triangle

Sankaku Jime: triangular strangulation from behind

Sankyu: 3rd kyu

Sanmyaku: 1) mountain range, 2) 300

Sanpo no Kata: 1st group of the Kihon Happo (the three postures)

Sanshin: instant movement without thinking

Sanshin Keri: reflex kick

Sanshin no Kata: Dynamic execution of the Gogyo

Sanshitan Ken: strike or grab with three fingers

Satani: point on the thigh between Sai and Koe

Saya: Scabbard (sword or any weapon sheath)

Sayonara: Goodbye

Sayu: from both sides

Seigan: ichimonji posture, hand on the hip

Sieza: traditional kneeling posture

Sekai: World

Sen: thousand, 1,000

Sensei: 1) teacher, 2) the one who is in front

Seoi: to carry on the back or the shoulders

Seoi Nage: Throw over the back

Sah Da Somi: point under the ear

Sha Ha Ashi: use of the legs to destabilize

Shaken: Throwing stars of the Togakure Ryu School

Shako Ken: fist strike with fingers in a claw shape

Shaku: measure unit, about 30cm

Shi Ho (ten Chi) Tobi: High, low jumping all directions (shi=4, ho=direction)

Shidoshi: Master instructor (from the 5th dan)

Shidoshi-ho: Beginner instructor (from shodan to yondan)

Shihan: 1) title given to the high ranked of the school, 2) title given to a teacher owning a dojo

Shika tabi: outdoor tabi

Shikan Ken: strike with the phalanx, hand folded

Shiki: the 6th element, consciousness, knowledge

Shikin Haramitsu Dai Ko Myo: Each experience bears new knowledge

Shime-Jime: to press, apply pressure, strangle

Shime waza: strangulation and pressing techniques

Shinai: sword made of bamboo

Shinden: 3rd level of comprehension, natural movement, beyond thinking

Shinden Fudo Ryu Dakentaijutsu & Jutaijutsu: Immovable Heart School, one of the nine Bujinkan fighting systems

Shin Kokyu Sanaden: physical, energetic and breathing warming up

Shiro: white

Shishin Ken: strike with one finger (shishin+needle)

Shitan Ken: strike or grab with 3 or 4 fingers

Shito Ken: strike with the thumb pushed by the fist (= boshi ken)

Shizen: natural

Shizen Gyo Un Ryu Sui: beautiful and natural movement, i.e., letting our body react in a natural manner

Shizen Ken: Natural strike; teeth, nails, smells, ect…

Shizen no Kamae: upright natural posture, hands alongside the body

Shodan: 1st dan

Shoden: first level, basic level

Shoden no Kata: basic techniques from the first level

Shomen Giri: sword cut aimed at the head from dai jodan or from above

Shoshin Go Kei Gogyo no Kata: Gogyo form with a partner

Shoshin no Kamae: ichimonji henka with a lower front arm, slightly bent as if shaking hands. rear hand is at hip level.

Shoshinsha Desu: I am a beginner

Shoshinsha no KAta: practice of the gogyo in a ‘inner’ form in symbiosis with the five Japanese elements (chi, sui, ka, fu, ku)

Shoten no Jutsu: vertical walk or race

Shu, Te: hand

Shuki Ken: strike with the tip of the elbow

Shuko: 1) steel claws, 2) back of the hand

Shuriken: throwing weapons (throwing stars or other)

Shuto: hand(shu) sword(to); cutting edge

Shuto Ken: strike with the side of the hand

Sobi: back of the calf

Soke: Headmaster of a school

Sokki Ken: strike while lifting the leg, often assimilated knee strike

Soku Gyaku: kick with the tip of the toes

Soku Ho, Yoko: side, from the side

Soku To: edge of the feet

Soku Yaku: kick with the sole, horizontal leg, like a piston

Soku, Ashi: leg

Soto: outside

Stupa: Buddhist temple symbolizing the 5 elements. It's composed of a cube under a sphere, under a pyramid, a hemisphere, and a water drop

Sui: water (in the sky) see, Mizu

Suigyo: 12th dan

Sui no Kata: water form

Suigetsu: lower part of the plexus, water moon

Sumimasen: sorry, please

Sutemi: sacraficial move to voluntarily fall to the ground

Suwari: on the ground, kneeling

Suwari Kata: ground techniques

Suzu: testicles, pubis




Tabi: Japanese socks

Tachi: 1) upright, 2) long cavalry sword hung from the belt blade down, usually worn by officials and used on the battlefield

Tachi Nagare: go down straight to the ground, Sutemi

Tai – Dai: 1) body, 2) tall

Taihen: first level of understanding, physical

Tai Hodoki: body release (hajutsu kyu ho)

Tai Jime: strangulation or pressure of the body

Tai Ken: strike with the entire body

Tai Sabaki: side stepping

Taihen: movement, move

Taihenjutsu: set of moves and side-stepping technique

Taijutsu: techniques done with the body

Takamaru: to grow up (Taka-Matsu)

Take: Bamboo

Take Ori: twisting applied to the wrist, break the bamboo

Taki Otoshi: to let fall without accompanying, like a waterfall

Tanden: abdomen

Tanto: knife (max length for the blade: 1 shaku)

Tate no Kamae: bo vertically held in front of the body

Tate: 1) vertical, 2) shield

Te Hodoki: hand freeing (hyajutsu kyu ho)

Te Kubi: Te (hand)+ Kubi (neck)=wrist

Te Makura hand pillow, armlock with outstretched arm

Te, Shu: Hand

Ten Ryaku no Maki: parchment of the principles of Heaven, (moves, rolls, strikes)

Tenchijin no Kamae: bo held vertically on the side (= Hasso)

Tenkan Ho: Pivot

Tento: fontanelle, tip of the skull

Tento Uchi: bo, downwards strike

Tenugi: headband, headscarf

Tetsubishi: 4 spike nails falling with one spike upward, caltrop

Tobi: jump, jumping, to jump or leap

Tobi ni Keri: double jumped kick

Toki Ken: strike with the toes

Toki Uchi: strike or pressure with the toes

Tomoe Nage: Sutemi, Japanese shelf

Tori: from Toru, to take; 1) he who does the technique, 2) grab

Torite Kihon Dori no Kata: controls on the ground in Ura (on the belly) and Omote (on the back)

Torite Kihon Kata Go Ho: = Hosshu Kihon (sequence of 5 twisting techniques of the Kihon Happo )

Tosui no Kamae: sword; Gedan posture with inverted feet

Totoku Hyoshi no Kamae: sword; stance meant to avoid the Shaken

Tsuba: Hilt of the sword, hand guard

Tsuka Gashira: tip of the swords handle

Tsuki: Punch, thrust, jab, stab

Tsuma Ken: strike with the big toe




Uchi: 1) inside, 2) against, 3) strike or pressure

Uchi Hoshi: point located on the inside of the Hoshi (joints)

Uchigake: inside sweeping between the legs

Uchimata: throw through the inside of the legs

Ude: arm

Ude Jime: arm pressure, strangulation

Ude Ori: to break the arm

Uke: he who undergoes, to counter

Uke Nagashi: reception, block high, middle, low, inside, outside

Ukemi Otoshi: flat breakfall

Uko: ganglions (sides of the neck)

Ura: 1) inside, 2) under, 3) behind

Ura Gyaku: inside wrist lock

Ushiro, Koho: back, behind

Uzumaki: whirlwind


Wakarimasen: I dont understand

Wakarimasu: I understand

Wakazashi: short sword (12 to 19 inches

Waraji: straw sandals with thongs

Waza: technique



Yaku: point in the inside of the leg under the knee

Yame: stop

Yari: spear

Yawara: ancient name of Ju Jutsu

Yonkyu: 4th kyu

Yoko Aruki: sideways cross walk

Yoku, Soku Ho: side

Yondan: 4th dan

Yu Gasumi: point under the ear over the jaw

Yugen: elegance, unrevealed, source of spirit

Yugen no Sekai: World of non-manifested Spirit

Yubi: finger

Yukkuri: slowly, slower

Yume: dream



Za Kamae: sitted stance (fudoza)

Zazen: loyus posture, Zen Meditation

Zenpo: (Zen+Ho)=,front

Zenpo Geri: 1) front kick, 2) flat fall

Zenpo Ukemi: front roll

Zori: sandals

Zu tsuki: head strike